10 Tips for Creating a Minimalist Bedroom

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re interested in creating a minimalist bedroom.

Maybe you’re looking to declutter and simplify your space, or maybe you just love the clean, calming aesthetic of minimalism.

Whatever the reason is, I’m here to help you make it happen.

In this post, I’m sharing 10 tips for creating a minimalist bedroom that’s both stylish and functional.

From decluttering and simplifying to choosing a calming colour palette and investing in high-quality, minimal furnishings, these tips will help you transform your bedroom into a peaceful and serene retreat. 

10 Tips for Creating a Minimalist Bedroom

If you’re ready, let’s dive in and explore those 10 tips for creating a minimalist bedroom.

Tip #1: Declutter and simplify

a tranquil, minimalist bedroom with a simple bed, a small bedside table, minimal decorations, and a neutral color scheme, emphasizing a spacious and clutter-free environment.

First things first: if you want to create a minimalist bedroom, you’ve gotta declutter and simplify.

I know, I know, it’s not exactly the most fun task in the world.

But trust me, it’s worth it.

A cluttered bedroom is just plain stressful, and it can make it hard to relax and get a good night’s sleep.

On the other hand, a decluttered and simplified space is peaceful and calming, and it just feels good to be in.

So, how do you get started?

First, take a good look at everything you’ve got in your bedroom. Be honest with yourself about what you truly need and what can go. Don’t be afraid to get rid of items that are no longer useful, no longer bring you joy, or that you just don’t have a place for in your new minimalist design.

As you declutter, aim to create a sense of openness and spaciousness in the room.

Next, think about how you can simplify what’s left.

Can you invest in multi-purpose furniture or storage solutions that will help streamline your space?

Can you find ways to declutter visually, such as by opting for clear storage containers or minimal decorative accents?

The goal is to create a sense of calm and clarity, rather than being overwhelmed by excess possessions.

Tip #2: Choose a calming colour palette

a bedroom decorated in neutral color and wood furniture make this minimalist bedroom a serene and a beautiful space to be in.Image Credit

Once you’ve decluttered and simplified, it’s time to think about your colour palette.

Now, I’m not saying you have to paint your whole bedroom white (although, if that’s your thing, go for it!).

But I do recommend choosing colours that are calming and promote relaxation. Soft, neutral colours such as white, beige, and grey are often used in minimalist design because they help create a sense of calm and openness. These colours can be paired with pops of colour for interest, or left on their own for a serene, monochromatic look.

If you prefer a bit more colour in your bedroom, consider choosing muted shades that are easy on the eyes. Pastel blues, greens, and pinks can add a sense of tranquility, while deeper shades of these colours can add richness and depth.

Just be sure to avoid bright, bold colours, which can be overwhelming in a minimalist space.

And don’t forget about the mood-altering power of colour!

Blue is often associated with calmness and tranquility, while yellow can be energizing.

Choose colours that align with the mood you want to create in your bedroom.

Tip #3: Invest in High-Quality, Minimal Furnishings

Now that you’ve got your colour palette sorted out, it’s time to think about furniture.

In a minimalist bedroom, less is often more.

Consider investing in a few key pieces that will serve multiple functions, such as a storage ottoman or a bed with built-in drawers. Choose furniture with clean lines and a minimal aesthetic that complements your overall design.

Here’s a pro tip:

Create a mood board or inspiration board to help you visualize your ideal minimalist bedroom.

This can be a physical board or just a digital collection of images. Seeing everything in one place will help you focus on the overall look and feel you’re going for, rather than getting caught up in individual items. As you search for furnishings, keep coming back to your mood board to ensure that everything fits with your vision.

It’s a helpful tool in making deliberate, mindful choices for your minimalist bedroom.

And one more thing: make sure to invest in high-quality, well-made pieces.

While it can be tempting to choose cheap, trendy items, these tend to break down quickly and can end up costing you more in the long run.

Opt for timeless, well-made pieces that will last for years to come.

Your wallet (and your stress levels) will thank you.

Tip #4: Incorporate Natural Elements

Now it’s time to bring in some life!

Adding natural elements to your minimalist bedroom can have all sorts of benefits, from improving air quality to reducing stress to adding visual interest.

And no, you don’t have to go all out with a full-on indoor garden (although if that’s your thing, more power to you).

A few small plants can make a big difference in the overall feel of your space. Succulents and snake plants are low maintenance and easy to care for, or you could try a fiddle leaf fig or a monstera if you’ve got a green thumb.

Wooden accents and natural fibers such as linen and cotton can also bring a touch of nature to your minimalist bedroom.

A wooden headboard or a linen duvet cover can add warmth and texture to the space.

Just be sure to keep it subtle and understated, rather than overwhelming the room with too many natural elements.

And remember, less is often more. Choose a few key pieces or accents rather than overloading the space.

The goal is to create a sense of harmony and balance, not chaos.

Tip #5: Accessorize Sparingly

a minimalist bedroom can come in different forms such as a bed without a headboard but a wall shelf to style a mirror and framed artworks.Image Credit

Okay, so you’ve decluttered, chosen a calming colour palette, and invested in high-quality, minimal furnishings.

Now it’s time to add a little bit of personality to the mix.

While minimalism is all about simplicity, that doesn’t mean your bedroom has to be sterile or devoid of character. A few carefully chosen pieces of artwork, a throw pillow, or a scented candle can add interest and personality to your space.

Just be sure to keep it minimal.

Avoid the temptation to clutter your bedroom with excess decorations, and instead choose a few high-quality, meaningful pieces.

Think about what truly brings you joy and reflects your personal style, and let that guide your choices.

And remember, the goal is to create a sense of harmony and balance, not chaos.

And one more thing…

If you’re having trouble letting go of sentimental items, try this trick. Take a picture of the item, and then let it go. That way, you still have the memory, but you’re not cluttering up your space with physical possessions.

It’s a win-win!

Tip #6: Keep Surfaces Clear and Uncluttered

a minimalist bedroom with a clean, spacious layout, minimal furnishings including a bed with drawers and a storage ottoman, and a few decorative items on a shelf, all in a calming neutral color scheme, emphasizing an uncluttered and organized space.

One way to maintain a minimalist look in your bedroom is to keep surfaces clear and uncluttered.

Open, uncluttered surfaces help to create a sense of openness and spaciousness, which is especially important in a smaller bedroom.

To keep surfaces clear and uncluttered, try to minimize the number of decorative items you have out on display.

Instead of having a ton of knick-knacks scattered around the room, choose a few meaningful pieces to display on a shelf or a dresser.

And be sure to put away any items that you’re not using on a daily basis, such as extra blankets or pillows.

Another tip.

Use hidden storage solutions to keep your belongings out of sight.

Invest in a storage ottoman or a bed with built-in drawers to keep clutter at bay. By keeping your belongings out of sight, you can maintain a clean, uncluttered look in your minimalist bedroom.

And last but not least, try to make it a habit to tidy up before you go to bed.

This will help you start the next day with a clean, uncluttered space, which can help set the tone for a productive day.

Tip #7: Use Hidden Storage Solutions

If you want to maintain a minimalist look in your bedroom, hidden storage solutions are your best friend.

These types of storage allow you to keep your belongings out of sight, which helps to keep your space looking clean and uncluttered.

There are all sorts of hidden storage options to choose from.

A storage ottoman is a great choice, as it provides extra seating as well as a place to store items such as blankets or extra pillows.

A bed with built-in drawers is another good option, as it allows you to keep things such as extra linens or seasonal clothing out of sight.

And if you’ve got a small bedroom, consider using under-bed storage containers to keep things such as off-season clothing or extra blankets out of sight.

Hidden storage solutions can be a lifesaver when it comes to maintaining a minimalist look in your bedroom.

Plus, they’re super convenient!

Who doesn’t love having their belongings close at hand, but out of sight?

Tip #8: Choose a Simple Bedding Set


When it comes to bedding, less is often more in a minimalist bedroom.

Choose a simple, neutral bedding set that complements your colour palette and overall design. A white or beige duvet cover with a few simple throw pillows can create a clean, cohesive look, or you can opt for a monochromatic colour scheme if you prefer a bit more colour.

Avoid bedding sets with busy patterns or a ton of decorative accents.

These can be overwhelming in a minimalist space and can distract from the overall look and feel you’re trying to create.

Instead, choose bedding with a simple, timeless design that will stand the test of time.

And don’t forget about texture!

Choosing bedding with a mix of textures can add visual interest to your space without being overwhelming. A linen duvet cover paired with a few cable knit throw pillows, for example, can create a cozy yet minimal look.

Tip #9: Edit Your Wardrobe

If you’re embracing minimalism in your bedroom, it’s a good idea to take a look at your wardrobe as well.

A minimalist wardrobe is not only easier to manage, but it can also save you time and money.

By paring down to the essentials and investing in high-quality, timeless pieces, you can create a wardrobe that works for you and your lifestyle.

To get started, take everything out of your closet and drawers and lay it all out on your bed.

Sort your clothing into piles: keep, donate, and sell.

Be honest with yourself about what you truly need and what can go. If you haven’t worn something in the past year, chances are you don’t need it.

And don’t keep items that don’t fit or that are in poor condition, no matter how much you paid for them or how sentimental they may be.

Once you’ve edited your wardrobe down to the essentials, it’s time to organize.

Use simple, matching hangers and consider using storage solutions such as bins or baskets to keep your space looking clean and uncluttered.

And remember, the goal is not to have a ton of clothing, but rather to have a carefully curated collection of high-quality, versatile pieces that reflect your personal style.

Tip #10: Should you let go of Sentimental Items?

I get it, letting go of sentimental items can be tough.

But if you’re embracing minimalism in your bedroom, it’s important to be honest with yourself about what you truly need and what can go.

That sentimental t-shirt from your favorite concert, or the stuffed animal you’ve had since childhood, may hold a lot of memories.

But do they really bring you joy or serve a purpose in your life?

If not, it might be time to let them go.

I know, it’s not easy.

But trust me, letting go of sentimental items can be liberating. It can help you create a sense of clarity and focus in your space, and it can free up room for new experiences and memories.

So how do you let go of sentimental items?

One trick is to take a picture of the item, and then let it go.

That way, you still have the memory, but you’re not cluttering up your space with physical possessions.

You could also consider passing the item on to someone who will appreciate it, or finding a creative way to repurpose it.

The important thing is to let go with love and gratitude, rather than holding on out of guilt or obligation.

It’s not easy, but letting go of sentimental items can be a powerful step towards creating a minimalist bedroom that truly reflects your personal style and brings you joy.

Conclusion: 10 Tips for Creating a Minimalist Bedroom

Well, there you have it: 10 tips for creating a minimalist bedroom.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or just looking to simplify your space, these tips can help you create a peaceful, serene retreat that reflects your personal style and promotes relaxation.

Remember, minimalism is all about simplicity and function.

Don’t be afraid to declutter and simplify, and focus on choosing high-quality, minimal furnishings and accessories. Incorporate natural elements and choose a calming colour palette to create a sense of harmony and balance.

And don’t forget to edit your wardrobe and let go of sentimental items to create a space that truly reflects who you are and what brings you joy.

So go ahead, give minimalism a try!

You might just find that a simplified, clutter-free bedroom is exactly what you need to relax and recharge.

Good luck, and happy designing!

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